Thursday, August 15, 2013


i feel like i don't ever have time to blog.
probably not true, but whatever ya know.

so here's what's happened lately.
august 4th- jordan got the aaronic priesthood.
we both got our temple recommends to do baptisms for the dead.
we both got our recommends to get our patriarchal blessings.
august 11th- jordan blessed the sacrament for the first time.
august 14th- jordan got another car, and it's a car he's been wanting forever. he says he'll never ask for another car again. we'll see. but that means i have my car back! wahooo!
i went to my midwife appointment. i'm at 4.5 cm (tmi, sorry.) 80% effaced, and he's at a -2 station.
so basically, my labor should go really fast. and speaking of labor, i asked the midwife to be induced.
and she said yes!!!

so tomorrow, august 16th, we'll have two kids. two!

it literally blows my mind. i look at the picture of the two of us above and my head can't even wrap around how different we both are now, from then.
next week we'll have been married 11 months, and i feel like we're different people. (in a good way.)

i'm so grateful i married such a wonderful man. he sticks by me through everything. i can literally be so mean to him sometimes and he still just loves me. i'm so lucky. and i really hope once i'm not pregnant, i can learn to be nice again. because he deserves it. 
i just love him.
and tomorrow we'll be a family of FOUR!


  1. congrats!!! that is so exciting!!!

  2. Congratulations on the wedding and babies. I just stumbled upon your blog and love it i look forward to more posts xoxo
